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Welcome to Seeds, where we have deep conversations with people making a positive impact with their lives.  Now with more than 300+ interviews and 150,000+ listens...

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Hosted by Steven Moe.  Stay curious. / @nzstevenmoe and @seeds_podcast
 / LinkedIn Supported by Parry Field Lawyers

ISSN 2538-1113

For articles, videos, book information and more and for other resources visit (Doing Business in NZ Guide, Start-ups Legal Toolkit, Social Enterprise Book, Charities Book).


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Oct 2, 2022

Cheryl Spain joined the latest Impact Call to share about The Gift Trust - we had a wide ranging discussion about what they do and how they operate.  The purpose of the Impact Calls is to highlight the work of orgnisations and get us out of silos of thinking to learn from others.  If you like this then feel free to join the list of 760+ others who get notices about the monthly impact calls by dropping me an email at  And if you like the content of seeds have a listen to other 300+ other episodes at 

Website: Welcome - The Gift Trust

Cheryl email:

Gift Collective: The Gift Collective (

"Our purpose is to simplify generosity, to make more good happen. We connect your charitable giving with organisations who are making a difference on the ground in the areas you care most about. It’s personalised giving made easy, so you can give with more confidence and deeper effect."